Canon | Text |
Sanctions in the Church » Particular Offenses and the Penalties Established for Them » Offenses Against Reputation and the Offense of Falsehood | |
Canon 1390. | §1 A person who falsely denounces a confessor of the offence mentioned in can. 1385 to an ecclesiastical Superior incurs a latae sententiae interdict and, if a cleric, he incurs also a suspension.
§2 A person who calumniously denounces some other offence to an ecclesiastical Superior, or otherwise unlawfully injures the good name of another, is to be punished according to the provision of can. 1336 §§2-4, to which moreover a censure may be added. §3 The calumniator must also be compelled to make appropriate amends. |
Canon 1391. | The following are to be punished with the penalties mentioned in can. 1336
§§2-4, according to the gravity of the offence: 1° a person who composes a false public ecclesiastical document, or who changes, destroys, or conceals a genuine one, or who uses a false or altered one; 2° a person who in an ecclesiastical matter uses some other false or altered document; 3° a person who, in a public ecclesiastical document, asserts something false. |
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