Canon Text
Canon 1331.
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§1 An excommunicated person is prohibited:

1° from celebrating the Sacrifice of the Eucharist and the other sacraments;

2° from receiving the sacraments;

3° from administering sacramentals and from celebrating the other ceremonies of liturgical worship;

4° from taking an active part in the celebrations listed above;

5° from exercising any ecclesiastical offices, duties, ministries or functions;

6° from performing acts of governance.

§2 If a ferendae sententiae excommunication has been imposed or a latae sententiae excommunication declared, the offender:

1° proposing to act in defiance of the provision of §1 nn. 1-4 is to be removed, or else the liturgical action is to be suspended, unless there is a grave reason to the contrary;

2° invalidly exercises any acts of governance which, in accordance with §1 n. 6, are unlawful;

3° is prohibited from benefiting from privileges already granted;

4° does not acquire any remuneration held in virtue of a merely ecclesiastical title;

5° is legally incapable of acquiring offices, duties, ministries, functions, rights, privileges or honorific titles.

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